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Dieses Tabakprodukt schädigt Ihre Gesundheit und macht stark abhängig. Ce produit du tabac nuit à votre santé et crée une forte dépendance. Questo prodotto del tabacco nuoce alla tua salute e provoca un’elevata dipendenza.



Heated tobacco vs. cigarettes flavour: is there a difference?

Heated tobacco vs. cigarettes flavour: is there a difference?

Heated tobacco vs. cigarettes flavour: is there a difference?

Tobacco heater, e-cigarette, vape; anyone who smokes or vapes can now choose from a wide range of devices. These products are particularly interesting for people who are looking for a better alternative to smoking*. Those who don’t want to do without the classic taste of tobacco in the heater may choose the only model that can contain real tobacco: tobacco heaters. But how close is the tobacco heater flavour to that of a conventional cigarette? We will find out in this comparison of tobacco heater vs. cigarette.

Tobacco Heater Flavour Is Similar to That of Cigarettes

To do this, it is important to understand how a tobacco heater works. Thanks to our heat-not-burn technology, you get no smoke, zero burn, zero ash, 100 % taste.** This means that instead of drawing on a cigarette at up to 800 degrees Celsius, you inhale vapour. This vapour is produced from a temperature of 247 degrees Celsius—the combustion process only begins at around 400 degrees Celsius. glo™ tobacco heaters, like the glo™ Hyper PRO, heat up tobacco sticks and do not burn them. This gives you several advantages:

  • 90 % less toxicants**
  • No smell of cigarette smoke*
  • No ash*
  • Less tooth discoloration***

As the tobacco is not burnt, a tobacco heater also tastes different to cigarettes. But with the right tobacco sticks, you can achieve a mild taste that comes very close to the taste of cigarettes. How the flavour tastes in the tobacco heater also depends on the tobacco stick used. The glo™ heaters can be equipped with a wide range of flavours of different intensities**** and cooling levels*****. From classic tobacco flavour to the harmoniously aromatic neo™ Gold Tobacco Sticks: depending on the preferred strength and note, there is a suitable glo™ variation for everyone.

*glo™ heats tobacco instead of burning it. This produces a tobacco aerosol, less odor and no ash. This product is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance.
**gloᵀᴹ heats tobacco instead of burning it. It generates a tobacco aerosol, less odour and no ash compared to a cigarette when smoked. This product is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance.
**This product is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance. Comparison of a standard reference cigarette (approx. 9 mg tar) and the emissions of glo™, in relation to the average of the 9 harmful substances in cigarette smoke that the World Health Organisation recommends reducing.
***glo™ heats tobacco instead of burning it. This produces a tobacco aerosol, less odor and no ash. It has less tooth discoloration compared to a cigarette, based on laboratory tests. Individual results may vary. This product does not reduce existing tooth discoloration. Other factors may contribute to tooth discoloration. This product is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance.
****Refers to the intensity of the product, determined by the flavour.
*****Refers to the strength of the menthol sensation.